Organic SEO

SEO: Benefiting your Business

SEO: Benefiting your Business
Businesses of all sizes in the 21st century rely very heavily on Internet marketing to sell their products and services and to be competitive within their respective industries. As we move into 2015 then this should be very obvious bearing in mind the Xmas sales reported by the numerous online stores throughout the UK and beyond.

No one reading this article needs to be told how important it is for private firms or even for any public or charitable agency to have a website. Your efforts to build an online presence don’t end with the website, though, or even by reaching out to potential clients through Facebook or Twitter.

If your business is to succeed, you will need to attract meaningful traffic to your website so that potential clients will know what you have to offer and, ultimately, convert to actual clients. Search engine optimisation, or SEO, offers benefits to business that social media and other forms of advertising simply cannot match.

Higher Quality Traffic to Your Website SEO marketing strategies arguably require more forethought than pay-per-click advertising campaigns in order to be successful, but the additional planning is well worth the trouble when you consider how many potential clients will be drawn to your website through keyword or key phrase searches related to a specific want or need that your business can fulfil.

Let’s say that you’ve just opened your city’s one-and-only CrossFit gym. Since CrossFit is an exercise program that caters to a wide variety of needs, you will need to put yourself in the mindset of all your desired clients and ask yourself what keywords or key phrases those clients might use in order to find you and deem you a good fit before ever contacting or visiting your gym. Most CrossFit trainers and gym owners already know that some potential clients are seasoned CrossFitters or very physically fit individuals looking for a training program that will help them achieve their elite fitness goals.

For these clients, such obvious keywords as “CrossFit (city name),” “workout of the day,” “WOD,” “metabolic conditioning” and so forth will draw clients to your gym who already know what to expect. Other potential clients will be sedentary individuals looking for an exercise program that will whip them into shape in a short period of time and provide the sort of community support and camaraderie that will keep them coming back; to reach these clients, your gym will need to rank high in Internet search results for more general keywords and key phrases, such as “losing weight,” “weight loss,” “belly fat,” “strength training,” “health,” “fitness” as well as phrases which include the city and county where your gym is located.

Although pay-per-click and other forms of advertising can be very useful in announcing your business’s presence online, individual adverts are not and never will be able to capture every keyword or key phrase of relevance to your target audience. For this reason, SEO succeeds where pay-per-click often fails. The key here is quality, not quantity.

A One-Time Investment You can pay once for an effective SEO marketing strategy or pay repeatedly for pay-per-click adverts. Because SEO means having meaningful and reliable online content available to anyone searching for your chosen keywords and key phrases, a one-time investment in an SEO marketing campaign can pay off in spades compared to traditional print, broadcast or online advertising campaigns. And once your business’s SEO marketing strategy is implemented, your company website will rank ever higher in search results.

Think about it: search engines such as Yahoo, Google and Bing all list about 10 results per page. These days, most people don’t bother clicking past the first page of search results because of the decreased likelihood that the lower-ranking results will turn up what they are looking for. The competition for those ten spots on the first page of search results is intense, and for your company to gain the attention of potential clients, your website needs to be just that visible.

Direct Submit UK SEO Marketing Agency Direct Submit is an Internet marketing agency serving the SEO marketing needs of businesses of all sizes across the UK. We are dedicated to providing a complete set of Internet marketing services that will achieve sales results for your business in an ethical manner.

Let Direct Submit develop the SEO marketing strategy that will enhance your company’s online image and place you well ahead of the competition. For more information, call us today on 0845 272 2350 or visit