Designer Bathrooms Sales, Design and Installations
Direct Submit are pleased to announe theyare continiung to work with PT Ranson bathrooms. A company specialising in the supply of designer bathroom materials to an ever expanding customer base, the companies mantra is to scoure the globe to find stylish, durable and affordable bathroom and shower products.
Partnering with manufacturers as far afield as Italy, Germany and the United States, PT Ranson offers a selection of flamboyant, unique and eye-catching designs and delivers solutions that are anything but conventional. Theya re suppliers of baths, showers, designer bathrooms, Matki, Fiora and Hansgrohe showers, plus a lot more and include Free UK mainland delivery.
If you would like to know more about how Direct Submit could help you market your online business then give us a call to day on 0845 2722350.