Google Page Rank
Interesting in all things SEO, as we at Direct Submit are, we came across this bit of history the other day. Ten years ago this September, Google was awarded the US patent (6,285,999) for the Page Rank search algorithm, invented by Lawrence Page.
As we reported in June this year, Google has said that people worry about Page Rank far too much, “we’ve been telling people for a long time that they shouldn’t focus on Page Rank so much; many site owners seem to think it’s the most important metric for them to track, which is simply not true,” said Google’s Susan Moskwa.
Google Page Rank is one of many signals (over 200, according to Google) that the search engine uses to determine rankings.
The Page Rank algorithm gets tweaked on a daily basis, and Google has put more emphasis on others factors in recent times – most notably, good quality content.
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