Google Trends SEO Tool
Google trends new features allows you to identify where keywords are popular and target those geographic areas with specialised content or outreach. This information can be used for choosing content topic, PPC, link building, targeting content to specific audiences for maximum impact and so on.
Google Trends is one of the most useful SEO tools because it provides keyword information to help you understand how, where, and even when searchers are using keywords.
What Features are Updated, Google’s announcement highlighted three areas of improvement:
• New features
• Simpler navigation
• More ways to explore data and news stories
Here’s how Google’s announcement described its new features:
• A revamped Trending searches section, showing what is trending in search right now, both daily and minute-by-minute.
• A newly-designed section where you can see Google Trends data stories curated by the News Lab team on everything from the Trump Administration through Mother’s Day.
• Easy access to Year in Search data going back to 2001, so you can see how search interest has changed over time.
• New infographic types such as an intensity map to compare different topics in more meaningful ways.”