SEO & Social Bookmarking
What is and why use Social Bookmarking? Social bookmarking submission is about sharing your interests with the public with the hopes to generate widespread interest.
The basic idea behind social bookmarking is that people bookmark something that they have seen on the internet to publicly accessible social websites. This allows others to then view bookmark, read about what you have bookmarked and – assuming it something they are keen to share, share it again within their respective social community. Quite obviously, for a successful bookmark, this creates a much larger level of exposure for the content.
The real benefits of social bookmarking occur when you’re able to direct this interest to your website. This is not black hat SEO technique but some of the best white hat there is, you are creating and sharing good quality content on the internet that people may wish review and share with others!
Since social bookmarking began there has been an explosion of websites built for this purpose. These websites are growing in popularity for several reasons including particularly that they are now increasingly powerful tool for business, with some of the more prominent today including Stumbleupon, Reddit, Digg, Pinterest and delicious.
When you submit an article to a social bookmarking site then try to ensure that you are submitting to the correct and appropriate niche. As with directory submissions there are numerous categories and care should be taken to try and get your submission ‘bookmarked’ in the right category. If you select the wrong one chance are the members who typically review the content of the niche submitted to will not be that interested in what you’ve posted. Select the right niche with a good piece of content and you could see your website traffic go through the roof!
Remember, and this is crucial, whenever you are thinking about submitting something to a social bookmarking site make sure contains good quality content. As with so many submissions, ask yourself the question, would I enjoy reading this? If the answer is no then chances are no one else will and if people don’t enjoy it they won’t recommend it, even worse they can vote it down. The key is making your content something that adds value to the internet, not spam.
Social bookmarking done well can prove an increasingly powerful marketing tool for business, Take your time and write good content, then carefully work through the submissions process. Once done then think about your next post. This should be an on-going part of your SEO project.