Looking at Search Engine Relevancy
The leading search engines look to provide the most relevant results to a searchers query, however complicated or simple the search query may be. The process involved for each search engine in the provision of these search results is entirely down to their own respective search algorithms. No one can be sure what these are, although the SEO community try to understand and work these out, it’s highly likely the algorithms will never be fully understood.
However there are search factor based around relevancy that we can all be sure influence search results. These include a searchers location, search history, content and much more. Also, Search engines typically assume that the more popular a site, page, or document, the more valuable the information it contains must be. This assumption has proven fairly successful in terms of user satisfaction with search results.
However, perhaps the key metric of relevance is how well you actually solve the problems that your audience are experiencing. If your content answers a query in an effective manner, then you are delivering precisely the sort of user experience that search engines want to promote.