Got something to say? With Social Media Optimisation (SMO), it can help you spread the word about your company, brand, service or product. Social signals are now a very important part of the search engine algorithms and it should now be an essential part of any SEO strategy.
Social media optimisation is becoming increasingly important for search engine optimization, as search engines are increasingly utilizing the recommendations of users of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ to rank pages in the search engine result pages. The implication is that when a webpage is shared or “liked” by a user on a social network, it counts as a “vote” for that webpage’s quality. Thus, search engines can use such votes accordingly to properly rank websites in search engine results pages.
How important are Twitter and Facebook to my search rankings?
Very important. The search engines are now looking at what they call ‘social signals’. At the moment the main signal is how many likes and follows you have on Facebook and Twitter. Google want to display the most relevant sites at the top of their search results and the higher your number of likes and follows is a good indicator to them that your site is more relevant and and they will rank you site higher.
With almost 800 million people on Twitter and Facebook combined! There are literally millions of people out there, waiting to hear about your products and services.