Organic SEO

Improve your Search Engine Rankings

Improve your Search Engine Rankings Direct Submit Internet Marketing Services are an established Search Engine Marketing and Internet Marketing company. […]

An Effective Approach to SEO

An Effective Approach to SEO Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or […]

SEO for the Business Community

SEO for the Business Community In today’s business world, it’s an accepted fact that all businesses need an online presence […]

Internet Marketing & SEO Services

Internet Marketing & SEO Services Are you a business looking to get more traffic to your website? More ‘qualified’ traffic […]

New Ways to Edit Google Maps

New Ways to Edit Google Maps For some time Google has in part been relying on the community’s assistance to […]

Our Approach to Effective SEO

Our Approach to Effective SEO Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or […]

Recognising Ads in Google’s Result

Recognising Ads in Google’s Result According to Search Engine Watch, around half of adults are unable to recognise ads in […]

Google Algorithm Updates Cheat Sheet

Google Algorithm Updates Cheat Sheet Your ultimate guide to major Google penalties & algo changes. We recntly came across this […]

Google Penalises Unnatural Out-bound Links

Google Penalises Websites for Unnatural Out-bound Links Over the past weekend, Google issued many Google penalties, for “unnatural outbound links.” […]

Why Google is Not a Search Engine?

European Union: Google is Not a Search Engine As first reported by ERDi, legislation adopted by the European Union determined […]

SEO to Help Promote your Business

Search Engine Optimisation to Help Promote your Business Being able to effectively promote and advertise the goods or services that […]